[ultimate_heading main_heading=»How to Get Involved» heading_tag=»h3″ alignment=»left» sub_heading_font_size=»desktop:20px;» sub_heading_line_height=»desktop:30px;» el_class=»accent-subtitle-color» main_heading_font_size=»desktop:30px;» main_heading_line_height=»desktop:40px;» sub_heading_margin=»margin-bottom:20px;» main_heading_style=»font-weight:bold;» main_heading_margin=»margin-bottom:5px;»][/ultimate_heading]

To participate in the Conference one should submit the text of the article to the program committee using the EasyChair platform (instruction) before July 15, 2021.

The text of the article should be of acceptant volume of 6 to 12 pages and presented in the LNCS format (LaTeX sample, MS Word sample). The article can be written in English or Russian (for Cyrillic symbols usage add command “\usepackage[english, russian]{babel}” into LaTeX sample).

All submitted articles are subject to mandatory review. Authors who are applying for publication in a collection indexed in the Scopus database should submit materials in English.

Based on the results of the review, which will be announced on August 09, 2021, a list of works allowed to participate in the Conference will be formed.

After the publication of the review results, the authors of the accepted works will need to pay the registration fee. Registration fee should be paid only by those authors who are reporting the article at the Conference.

If the author presents several reports, the registration fee is paid once.